Justin Lee On December 4, 2007 at 7:54 am

Over at the Gamerscore Blog is a Rock Band contest. Simply come up with a band name and post it on the page.

I read somewhere that it is better to give than to receive. We are putting that to the test this week. We are launching a contest to offer one of our community sites the gift of Rock Band. There is, however, a catch… We want you to use that Rock Band as a giveaway for one of your own listeners or website visitors. Rock Band is “crazy nice”, as we say on the streets. The temptation to keep it for yourself will be strong, but giving it to one of your loyal fans should feel twice as awesome, right?

The details: We produced a video about our trials and tribulations in trying to get a copy of Rock Band. After each doling out the personal cash to get our own copies, Harmonix was so tickled by our vid, they offered us a bundle. Their generosity will equal good fortune for one of your supporters. All you have to do is visit www.gamerscoreblog.com and come up with a name for the rock band we featured in the video. (Taking a look at the video here http://gamerscoreblog.com/team/archive/2007/11/21/554787.aspx might help to give you inspiration). Post your entry at our blog. We will select one winner at random on December 11th. The winner can then run their own contest to select a winner, and we will send the Rock Band bundle to that lucky person. (and maybe THEY will hold a contest, and the cycle will continue forever and ever…)
Enter here: http://gamerscoreblog.com/team/archive/2007/12/03/555070.aspx

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