Directed by Ben Mor of Little Minx, a company of Ridley Scott and Associates, was created in collaboration with visual effects creators Asylum, who are known for its high-caliber work on Terminator Salvation. The live-action video game trailer marks the highly anticipated return of the elite Ghosts with a visceral and immersive experience that showcases the explosive action of future warfare.
Illustrating the realism that the Ghost Recon brand is known for, the ”Future War” trailer features the Ghosts on the hunt for a wanted war criminal in Moscow. Using weapons and advanced technology based on real-world military prototypes in research and development today, and which fans will soon be able to experience directly in the game, the Ghosts strike down an entire army before vanishing from sight.
Separately, Oscar winners Hervé de Crécy and François Alaux of Little Minx, a company of Ridley Scott and Associates, are working with Ubisoft on a short film based on the Ghost Recon brand arriving later this year.
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