Ubisoft’s Your Shape: Fitness Evolved – Fact Sheet Short Version: Exercise game with hundereds of workout possibilities, includes martial arts and yoga, has mini games as standard, and has mysterious Player Projection technology, which doesn’t sound ominous in any way, shape or form.
Archive for June, 2010
Commander: Conquest of the Americas has had two important features spelled out to us by the Devs: the Trading Manager and the Advisers. Advisers advise, and the Trading Manager helps with trading. There’s more to them than that, but I feel that the following press release that’s available after the jump explains things more eloquently than I can…
Kinect Joy Ride Fact Sheet Short Version: Drive around without holding onto anything. Yes, you’re going to hold your hands out in front as if you’re an over-imaginative 8 year old. And you can fire rockets. And drift. That means more than just steering with your arms though. And there’s multiplayer.
Kinect Sports Fact Sheet Short Version: It’s sporting events where you do the action to do it on screen. It’s like Wii Sports without the sudden launching of the Wii-mote at an expensive TV set. Also, “Take One for the Team” is never a good thing to say on a press release…
Kinect Adventures Fact Sheet Short Version: Use your body to fling yourself through the world, all from the safety of your living room. Play minigames, share everything you do with everyone in a Web 2.0 way. More after the jump.
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World: The Game Fact Sheet Short Version: Scott loves a woman. Cue taking on previous suitors and way too many game references to list. Cue 8-Bit animations, XP gathering and flying piggy banks… More after the jump
MotionSports Fact Sheet Short Version: You are an athlete. You must compete. You must move using the Kinect and avoid losing in various sports. You must use motion in said sports. You must win. You got that? More (but not much more) after the jump
If the death of Michael Jackson has affected you so much that you must buy a game to commemorate his life, Ubisoft have decided to scratch that itch. They’ve announced that there’s a “Performance Based” game based on Jackson. You will be able to dance and sing along to the classics of Michael Jackson on […]
Shogun 2: Total War Fact Sheet Short Version: Play as one of 9 clans to take control of Japan. Speak to your troops to make them do more for you. More tactical methods than before. Better terrain. Water-based battles. Hero units. More historical stuff to make you learn more about the time, short of actually […]
Feeling stressed? Ubisoft have decided that the PC and Mac haven’t had their fair share of healthy gaming, so they’ve created Innergy. Bundled with the Innergy Sensor (described as a “cutting-edge biofeedback tool”) which checks various important functions of your body (such as if you have a pulse and are living) and challenges you to […]