Hudson Entertainment have given you a new way to destroy your fingers and your DSes with 16 Shot! Shooting Watch. Yes, the exclamation mark is meant to be there. For 200 DSi Points, you can tap like mad to try and improve your graph. I still don’t quite understand what Single Finger and Piano Style […]
Archive for June, 2010
Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. 2 Fact Sheet Short Version: You’re in the ultra-secret (…) squadron called H.A.W.X. 2, cue flying around blowing buildings, vehicles and other planes. Equally secret technology like the virtually unheard of Enhanced Reality System allow for undiscovered by the mainstream missions in countries kept on the down low. Do we have to […]
Q? Entertainment (Not a typo, honest!) has enlisted Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Not one either) to make a “Multi-Sensory Shooter” (that might be…). It’s described as a “visionary entertainment experience that synchronizes stunning graphics and innovative sound design to electrify the senses” (which could mean anything, quite frankly) and is set to use the Kinect as one way to […]
Konami are showing off PES 2011 at E3. There’s a new trailer that we hope to get later this week, but those lovely PR people have made a press release describing the trailer to you, just in case you’re not able to watch it at all. There’s also talk about a Drag’n’Drop tactical system, which […]
Another short fact sheet, this time for 1942: First Strike for the iPhone. Take to the skies in this iPhone version of the high-flying arcade classic. Down swarms of enemy fighters, bombers, battleships and more in this modern reimagining of the classic shooter. Battle across eight levels. Three playabable aircraft (The well rounded Lightening,rugged Mosquito […]
The Nintendo 3DS will get it’s own version of The Sims. 3 to be exact. As in “The Sims 3”, not 3 games of The Sims. This means the 3DS will join the PC, Mac, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii and DS versions in adding unlimited simoleons to EA’s bank account.
Dead Space 2 on the Playstation 3 will have a limited edition version which will include Dead Space Extraction, into which support for the Move has been added. As well as co-op play. And trophy support. Those whom don’t feel the need or just can’t get the limited edition version will be able to buy […]
Black Mirror 3 was unveiled at E3 for the first time, which appears to be a puzzle game. The press release talks about it being a point and click adventure using 2D backgrounds and 3D characters. There’s also 2 playable characters. Good luck reading the press release…
Did you know Pac-Man is 30? Me neither, but Namco Bandai are celebrating by releasing Pac-Man Party for the Wii in the autumn. Cue Pac-Man mini-games and a story mode. And if you’re wondering how exactly you can make a mini-game about Pac-Man, the press release suggests making a giant snowball that rolls down a […]
The Sly Collection Fact Sheet Short Version: It’s a collection of the Sly games (Sly Cooper and the Thievius Racconus, Sly 2: Band of Thieves and Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves) remastered for the PS3. Sly 3 is also done in 3D-o-Vision and the Move is usable on it too.