The Senran Kagura franchise has always been known for its fan-service laden imagery paired with hack and slash gameplay, so when you want to make a spin-off, what do you do? Why make a cooking rhythm game with the same level of fan-service of course!
The game has a story to explain its madness. Well actually it doesn’t. Right from the get go it says the game is now a rhythm, because it felt like it. With the introduction out of the way, you can play a straight arcade game version without story bits, or play as a chosen character and learn why they have participated in this cooking battle. Or you can just do free mode, to practice and get better at the songs you will be tapping those directional and face buttons to. While the game has three different difficulty settings, the difficulty varies wildly for every song encountered, which makes for an uneven sense of balance. It’s recommended to play on Easy at first, as that mode provides a much more gradual scaling of difficulty.
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