• NHL 17 Review - Xbox One (Also on PlayStation 4)
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SENRAN KAGURA Bon Appétit! Review – PlayStation Vita

Posted By Eric Kelly On December 1, 2014 at 11:09 am Comments Off on SENRAN KAGURA Bon Appétit! Review – PlayStation Vita

Senrankagurabonapetit logo
Senran Kagura Bon Appetit 2-ingred-1The Senran Kagura franchise has always been known for its fan-service laden imagery paired with hack and slash gameplay, so when you want to make a spin-off, what do you do? Why make a cooking rhythm game with the same level of fan-service of course!

The game has a story to explain its madness. Well actually it doesn’t. Right from the get go it says the game is now a rhythm, because it felt like it. With the introduction out of the way, you can play a straight arcade game version without story bits, or play as a chosen character and learn why they have participated in this cooking battle. Or you can just do free mode, to practice and get better at the songs you will be tapping those directional and face buttons to. While the game has three different difficulty settings, the difficulty varies wildly for every song encountered, which makes for an uneven sense of balance. It’s recommended to play on Easy at first, as that mode provides a much more gradual scaling of difficulty.
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Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Review – Wii U

Posted By Michael Leparc On December 1, 2014 at 10:40 am Comments Off on Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Review – Wii U

Captain Toad Treasure Tracker Logo
WiiU_CaptainToad_scrn01_E3Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker was a bit of a surprise when it was first announced at Nintendo’s digital E3 event earlier this year. Based off a minigame in the popular and wildly successful Super Mario 3D World, it’s been expanded into a disc of its own, albeit at a discounted price. While at first it may seem somewhat of a desperate bid to pad out the Wii U lineup, the end result is a puzzler well worth your time if you really enjoyed that part of last year’s edition of Mario.
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Insane Black Friday 2014 Videos

Posted By Justin Lee On November 28, 2014 at 3:47 pm Comments Off on Insane Black Friday 2014 Videos

Usually this time of year during Thanksgiving, the video game news is slow since everyone is off! We present in its place…insane Black Friday 2014 videos from around the world:

Fight over TV in the UK:

Same TV: These people do know that Polaroid went bankrupt and it’s just some low quality TV with the name on it right?

Tesco TV

Walmart in Houston Texas fighting over Tablets and again Tv’s

I think half of those memory cards are bent and broke during the brawl (Action Starts at 1:10)

You know, in Canada most stores hand out tickets to the first “x” amount people in line. There are 10 TV’s? The store hands out 10 tickets. 50 memory cards, the story hand out 50 tickets. This is why you can’t find many brawl videos 🙂

Tales of Hearts R Review – PlayStation Vita

Posted By Cristofer Hess On November 26, 2014 at 9:12 am Comments Off on Tales of Hearts R Review – PlayStation Vita

Tales of Hearts R LogoTales of Hearts R Combat03
Tales of Hearts R brings a traditional JRPG experience to the Playstation Vita with the story of a young hero and his companions facing a world-shaking crisis. Highlighted by an engaging leveling and battle system, the game is very much what you might expect from a Japanese style RPG. But is it something you’ll love? Depends on what you think of JRPGs.
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New Batman: Arkham Knight Gameplay Footage Unleashed

Posted By Justin Lee On November 24, 2014 at 3:12 pm Comments Off on New Batman: Arkham Knight Gameplay Footage Unleashed

Batman_arkham_knight-LogoACE Chemicals Part 1: Infiltration the first of three new gameplay videos from Batman: Arkham Knight. All feature Batman learning about his new foe— the Arkham Knight—as he enters ACE Chemicals. The video highlights new game features including the new “Fear Takedown” maneuver, as well as the seamless integration of the Batmobile into gameplay and Combat Mode.

Watch as Batman takes on Arkham Knight’s henchmen to rescue the remaining ACE Chemicals plant workers and stop Arkham Knight from executing The Scarecrow’s plans.

Batman: Arkham Knight Gameplay Video:

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Batman: Arkham Knight is due out for PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One on June 2nd 2015 world wide.

Official Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below Preview Trailer

Posted By Justin Lee On November 24, 2014 at 1:28 pm Comments Off on Official Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below Preview Trailer

destiny logo smallActivision and Bungie have a new behind-the-scenes video to share with you, offering an inside look at the upcoming Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below, available on December 9.

Explore what waits in The Dark Below. Expand your Destiny adventure with a wealth new weapons, armor, and gear earned in new story quests and missions. Throw down in three new competitive multiplayer arenas. Form a Fireteam and take on new cooperative challenges, including a brand new six-player Raid.

Assassin’s Creed Unity: Abstergo Entertainment: Employee Handbook Event in Montreal

Posted By Justin Lee On November 24, 2014 at 1:22 pm Comments Off on Assassin’s Creed Unity: Abstergo Entertainment: Employee Handbook Event in Montreal

Assassin's Creed Unity Abstergo Entertainment Employee HandbookCoinciding with the release of the highly-anticipated new game, Assassin’s Creed Unity: Abstergo Entertainment: Employee Handbook: Case File 44412 gives readers an in-depth look at the inner workings of Abstergo Industries, the mysterious organization at the heart of the Assassin’s Creed franchise.

Written by New York Times best-selling author Christie Golden and featuring original illustrations by Andy Belanger and Karl Kerschl, this innovative, immersive companion book is designed to resemble a set of case files providing a glimpse into the working lives of employees within Abstergo Industries, the company behind the technology that allows characters to experience a subject’s genetic memory—a cornerstone of the game’s narrative. In addition to Abstergo research, data, and confidential files, Assassin’s Creed Unity: Abstergo Entertainment: Employee Handbook also features artifacts that tie directly into the historical narrative of the latest installment, Assassin’s Creed Unity, scrapbooked into the pages as if discovered and preserved by Abstergo centuries later.

Interactive, in-depth, and beautifully illustrated, Assassin’s Creed Unity: Abstergo Entertainment: Employee Handbook is a must-have for any Assassin’s Creed enthusiast, granting a never-before-seen look at the fictional corporation at the heart of the blockbuster franchise.

At the event, you can meet Andy Belanger, comic book artist and illustrator of the Abstergo Entertainment Employee Handbook and Anouk Bachman, publishing content manager on the Assassin’s Creed brand, for a Q&A session on the book as well as a chance to learn how Ubisoft is expanding the franchise through publishing.

Event information:
Thursday, November 27th at 7:00 pm EST.
Indigo Place Montréal Trust
1500, Avenue McGill
Montréal, Quebec H3A 3J5

Official Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below Prologue Trailer

Posted By Justin Lee On November 21, 2014 at 6:11 pm Comments Off on Official Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below Prologue Trailer

destiny logo smallBeneath the surface of the Moon, a long-forgotten enemy wakes. Invade the Hellmouth. Stop a dark army from invading Earth. Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below will be available Tuesday Dec 9th, 2014 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One and Xbox 360.

Official Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below Prologue Trailer:

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Review – Xbox One (Also on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox 360)

Posted By Jeff Markiewicz On November 21, 2014 at 5:11 pm Comments Off on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Review – Xbox One (Also on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox 360)

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - 5Call of Duty is a franchise that has been around for over a decade. The first three Call of Duty games from Infinity Ward did a good job of delivering a dramatic war experience but was largely locked to computers. When Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came out in 2007, it turned a niche computer franchise into a household name. Every game since has built upon that titles success. And with a new game each year, Infinity Ward definitely could not do it alone. The first to assist on the franchise was Treyarch and now with this title, we have newcomer Sledgehammer Games. Sledgehammer Games was formed by industry veterans who worked on Dead Space in 2009 and first lent a helping hand on Modern Warfare 3. This means that Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is the studio’s first game as a lead developer. Therefore not only does Sledgehammer Games have to prove they can handle making a game on their own, they also have to prove they can make a game worthy of Call of Duty.
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MotoGP 14 Review – PlayStation 3 (Also on PlayStation 4, Windows PC Xbox 360 and Xbox One)

Posted By Hect Moreno On November 21, 2014 at 4:24 pm Comments Off on MotoGP 14 Review – PlayStation 3 (Also on PlayStation 4, Windows PC Xbox 360 and Xbox One)

MotoGP 14 - 1I’ll be the first to admit, I know nothing about MotoGP. I’ve seen the sport sporadically over the years, I was always fascinated over how they could turn and lean so low near the ground and never completely fall. After doing a little reading I found out that MotoGP is a very popular, worldwide, sport. Much like Formula 1 and it’s lesser cousin NASCAR. There’s a points system, teams and racers, competing to be the best, and with MotoGP 14, you get to experience that on a lesser level than that of the real competitors. But the game isn’t without it’s own high levels of difficulty, and it’s own drama.
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