Google and Nintendo have teamed up for a really epic April Fools joke. Did you notice if you tap the SEARCH in your Google Maps app on your Android or iOS smartphone/tablet today that under the Search box is a PRESS START button? Press the blue “PRESS START” button and start finding Pokémon on the map, you have until tomorrow to find all the Pokémon. To catch them, simply tap them to catch them all, also a tip: You must leave the map at 1KM zoom in order to see them and most major cities around the world have at least 1 Pokémon to catch.
UPDATE! Google has moved the menu for the game to the BOTTOM OF THE SEARCH SCREEN (under the Explore Near By banner). So scroll down on the search screen!
For more information visit http://googleasiapacific.blogspot.ca/2014/03/become-pokemon-master-with-google-maps.html
Too lazy and want to cheat to find all the Pokémon? Head over to: http://pokemonaprilfools.wikia.com/wiki/Sorted_by_Pokedex_No to see where they are all located on the Google Maps.
Google Maps even made a real cool trailer to go with this: